Monday, February 4, 2013

Airplane Travel - Protect Yourself From Illness

While traveling …seeing the person on your airplane wearing a surgical mask, can be rather frightening!  Are they protecting you or themselves?  As it turns out, it may be both, according to  It can help you avoid breathing in the infectious germs as well as protect those around you, by you not breathing out the germs onto others.

There are several other ways to protect yourself during air travel from various infectious illnesses.  Some basic simple steps may help you get to your destination healthy.

Drink plenty of fluids, before and during your flight.  To save money, bring an empty water bottle to the airport and fill it from a water fountain after going through security

Wash your hands often.  When soap and water are not available, bring along hand sanitizer.

Be rested before you travel so that your body is stronger to fight the germs

Get vaccinated against the flu

Bring along zinc lozenges, vitamin C and Zicam

Avoid the seat pocket in front of you.  People put everything in there, tissues, baby diapers, used food wrappers all carrying germs you do not want

Remember, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure!  Eating healthy, reducing stress, exercising regularly and getting enough rest may be enough to help you stay healthy!

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