You winterize your home, but did you know you should winterize your car too?
It is recommended that the following steps are taken to ensure your car is ready for winter weather.
1) Fluids are at the correct levels, including oil, transmission fluid, coolant, windshield wiper fluid (type suitable for low temperatures), and power steering and brake fluids.
2) All safety-related devices are working – battery, tires, brakes, lights, etc.
3) Tires have plenty of tread for adverse road conditions.
4) If you live in an area with heavy snows, snow tires are installed and underneath the car are protected from salt on the road by an oily spray. (Check with your auto dealer for recommendations)
5) Spark plugs checked or replaced.
6) Coolant system is operational – yes cars can overheat in the winter!
7) Windshield wiper blades recently replaced.
8) Fuel system is clean.
9) Gas tank is always at least half full, preventing condensation that leads to frozen gas lines.
10) A can of de-icer is kept in the house in case the car locks freeze.
11) An emergency survival kit is in the car, including flashlight, batteries, first aid supplies, extra clothing, bag of sand, shovel, windshield scraper, booster cables, water container, road maps, tow rope, flares and non-perishable food.
This list is not all-inclusive and particular precautions may not be appropriate in all circumstances. You are encouraged to use good judgment.
You can also contact our office for your
AAA Roadside assist membership so that you are covered for those unexpected emergencies. Email us at
marsinsurance@marsinsurance.com or
call us at 815-459-0711.