Pet Insurance is a growing trend. People love their animals as if they were their own children and for many folks, they are just like children. Therefore, when they become ill, it is devastating.
As medical costs increase around the country for humans, the same is true for animals. Consequently a few companies have instituted pet insurance products to help offset the rising costs of medical care for your dogs and cats.
The costs of good veterinary care are high, especially as more treatments become available for animals. Most pet insurance carries a deductible, you pay the initial charges up front, file a claim with the company and the carrier reimburses you for the allowable limit for treatment.

Imagine coming home from work to find that your dog had consumed the entire bag of chocolate that your son left sitting on the counter. Your pet will need immediate emergency attention and probably monitoring overnight to be sure he is out of the woods. Or you allow your cat outside to explore the countryside and she is attacked by a feral cat. Events like this and others such as a diagnosis of a tumor, kidney disease, heart disease, all treatable from emergency care to long term treatment; but they come attached with a price tag.
If you are as in love with your pets as I am, please consider looking into a pet health insurance policy to be assured your pet is with you for a long time with proper medical treatment.
ASPCA Pet Health Insurance program is a fantastic policy which gives you the option of 4 levels of coverage at very affordable rates. It offers a $100 deductible and the ability to use your own vet and not be tied down to using someone you don’t know and trust and reimburses up to 90%.

Visit their website today and find out just how affordable this valuable coverage is. Protect your pets as you would yourself.
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