Do you know the difference between light bulbs?
With so much focus on "going green", many folks are changing light bulbs.
Resently, in our area, there was a fire as the result of Compact Fluorescent Light bulbs or CFL. The fire was the result of using a CFL bulb on a dimmer switch
Many people don't read the warnings associated with these products as they feel its a light bulb, what kind of warning can there be? You screw it in and blink on the light!
CFL's are fine bulbs, however, you need to read the fine print (not always easy to locate and many times very small and easily overlooked). These bulbs are NOT to be used on dimmer switches. Underwriters Laboratory has tested CFL bulbs. Fires are rare, but the potential still exists if you use the wrong bulb on a dimmer switch.
Bottom line? Before you change a light bulb read the box. One more tip: Look for the "UL" mark. That means the product has been tested for safety.
What does this have to do with insurance you ask?
This is a safety issue to prevent you from losing whats important to you, filing a claim on your insurance and preventing the loss of a loved one.
Mars Insurance Agency is concerned for your safety. Protect all that is important in your life.